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Writer's pictureLaurence - FractalMax

Affiliate Marketing For Newbies: Retargeting vs Remarketing

Updated: Sep 20

Retargeting focuses on displaying ads to people who have visited your site or interacted with your content, while remarketing typically involves sending follow-up emails or messages to past visitors or customers. Both aim to boost conversions by reminding users of their previous interest.

Retargeting and remarketing are strategies used in affiliate marketing to re-engage potential customers who have shown interest in your products or services.

This article will help you understand these terms and how to use them effectively in your affiliate marketing strategy.

Table of Contents

Affiliate marketer working on a laptop

Key Takeaways

  • Retargeting focuses on showing your ads to people who have visited your Hub or website but didn't make a purchase.

  • Remarketing involves sending emails to people who have already bought something from your business or have shown some interest in your products (or services).

  • Combining both retargeting and remarketing can truly boost your chances of converting visitors into customers.

  • Using the right tools and platforms, like Google Ads and Facebook Ads, can make your campaigns more effective.

  • Understanding your audience and their behavior is key to creating successful retargeting and remarketing strategies.

Understanding Affiliate Marketing for Newbies

What is Affiliate Marketing?

Let's quickly go through the definition of affiliate marketing. It's a way to earn money by promoting other people's products.

You get a commission for every sale made through your referral link.

It's easy to start because you don't need to create your own products but keep in mind that you won't get rich overnight. Like any other business affiliate marketing requires work and consistency.

Why Choose Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing is very popular and one reason for this is it's low-risk and low-cost. You don't need to invest in inventory or handle customer service.

So, it's the companies you're partnering with that handle this not you!

Good news, right?

Your job is to focus on creating value content that solves people's problems.

You can start with just a computer and internet connection... and a few needed tools like an website or Hub builder, autoresponder and a social media management platform.

Plus, you can work from anywhere and set your own hours.

Man working outdoor

Common Misconceptions

Many people think affiliate marketing is a get-rich-quick scheme.

As I already said above, it's not. It takes time and effort to build a successful affiliate marketing business. Unfortunately, many "so called" gurus out there spread misleading information.

It is what it is. Here at FractalMax, we educate people to become real affiliate entrepreneurs.

Secure your spot for the free training to learn more about affiliate marketing for newbies and get started on the right foot.

Another myth is that you need a large audience to make money with affiliate marketing.

That's not true.

Even with a small but engaged audience, you can earn a good income. You should really focus on building a loyal audience and forget about vanity metrics!

The Basics of Retargeting

Defining Retargeting

Retargeting is a way to show ads to people who have already visited your Hub or website.

It works by using cookies to track visitors. A cookie is a small text file that a website stores on your computer or device when you visit it.

When they leave your site and browse other places, they see your ads. It's as simple as that!

This reminds them of your brand and encourages them to come back.

I'm sure this happen often to you when browsing on the internet. You know, this ad that seems to follow you everywhere... just to make sure you're not forgetting about the product you've seen a few hours before!

Welcome it the world of retargeting.

Infographic: How retargeting works

How Retargeting Works

There are two main types of retargeting: pixel-based and list-based.

Pixel-based Retargeting

When someone visits your site, a small piece of code (the famous pixel) is added to their browser.

As they browse other sites, the pixel tells ad platforms like Google or Facebook to show your ads. The process is simple and effective.

List-based Retargeting

This retargeting method uses a list of contact details you already have. You upload this list to an ad platform, and when those people use the platform, they see your ads.

Benefits of Retargeting

Retargeting has many benefits you must know:

  • Increases Conversions: People who see retargeting ads are more likely to return and make a purchase.

  • Reduces Cart Abandonment: If beside your affiliate business you sell digital products, it reminds your customers about items they left in their shopping cart.

  • Introduces New Products: Shows ads for new products to people who have shown interest in your brand.

Retargeting is a powerful tool to re-engage your audience and guide them through the customer journey.

Affiliate marketer working on her laptop

Retargeting vs. Remarketing: What's the Difference?

People are often mixing both terms and while retargeting and remarketing are often used interchangeably, they are not the same thing.

Understanding the distinction can help you craft more effective marketing strategies for your your online business.

Retargeting Explained

Retargeting focuses on displaying ads to individuals who have previously visited your Hub or website but did not complete a desired action.

This action can be:

  • Making a purchase

  • Signing up for a newsletter

  • Downloading an Ebook

  • Registering for your webinar.

You now understand that the main goal of retargeting is to re-engage your visitors and bring them back to your site to complete the conversion.

Remarketing Explained

Remarketing is different, it involves sending emails to individuals who have already engaged with your business in some way, such as by making a purchase or filling out a form.

You can grasp the difference?

This strategy is perfect to keep your brand top-of-mind and encourage repeat business.

Infographic: Retargeting VS Remarketing

How to Implement Retargeting in Your Affiliate Marketing

Implementing Retargeting

Implementing retargeting in your affiliate marketing efforts can seem a bit tricky at first, but with the right approach, it's really a powerful tool.

Retargeting is very effective for increasing conversions.

And don't forget this: Never waste a visitor!

Now let's see how to do it:

Setting Up Pixel-Based Retargeting

Pixel-based retargeting is one of the most common forms of retargeting. You'll place a small piece of code (a pixel) on your website.

It's not complicated to install.

What I would recommend, is to check the knowledge base of the platform you use to install the pixel or contact their support directly.

This pixel tracks the visitors who come to your Hub (or website) and allows you to serve them targeted ads as they browse the internet.

Steps to Set Up Pixel-Based Retargeting

  • Install the Pixel: Add the pixel code to the header of your website. This code will track visitors and allow you to retarget them with ads later. Just a thing be careful with the GDPR if you do retargeting campaign in Europe. I would use a cookie compliance solution like cookiebot, so people have the choice to consent or not for the cookies. Plus you get detailed reports.

  • Define Your Audience: Decide who you want to retarget. This could be all visitors, or you could narrow it down to those who visited specific pages, such as a product page or checkout page (if you sell your own digital products. As an affiliate you don't control the checkout page, so you can place the pixel on the "thank you page".

  • Create Retargeting Ads: Design ads that will resonate with your audience. The goal of these ads is to clearly remind visitors of what they left behind and encourage them to return to complete the purchase.

  • Launch Your Campaign: Use platforms like Google Ads or Facebook Ads to run your retargeting campaigns. Monitor the performance of your ads and make adjustments as needed to improve results. You can also use Adroll, it's a well-known platform for retargeting.

Best Practices for Retargeting in Affiliate Marketing

To get the most out of your retargeting efforts, it's important to follow best practices.

Here I'll give you a few tips to help you succeed:

Segment Your Audience

Not all visitors to your website are the same, so your retargeting efforts shouldn't be either.

Segment your audience based on their behavior on your site, such as pages visited, time spent, or products viewed.

This allows you to create more personalized ads that are more likely to convert.

And that's what you want.

Use Frequency Caps

One of the risks of retargeting is overexposure.

If a user sees your ad too often, they may start to find it annoying and be less likely to engage.

To solve this problem, you can implement frequency caps to limit the number of times your ad is shown to the same person.

A/B Test Your Ads

Testing different versions of your ads can help you determine what resonates best with your audience.

Experiment with different headlines, images, and calls to action to see what drives the most conversions.

It's all about small and consistent improvements.

Optimize for Mobile

With more people browsing the internet on their smartphones, it's essential that your retargeting ads are optimized for mobile devices.

Ensure your ads look great and function well on smaller screens.

The Role of Remarketing in Affiliate Marketing

Remarketing complements retargeting by focusing on those who have already interacted with your brand.

It's a powerful way to build long-term relationships with your audience and encourage repeat business.

How Remarketing Works

As I already explained previously, remarketing typically involves sending emails to past customers or leads.

These emails might include special offers, product recommendations, or reminders about products left in a shopping cart.

Benefits of Remarketing

Remarketing can be incredibly effective because it targets people who are already familiar with your business.

Here are some of the key benefits:

Increased Customer Loyalty

By staying in touch with your customers through remarketing, you can build stronger relationships and increase customer loyalty.

Regular communication keeps your brand top-of-mind and encourages repeat purchases.

Higher Conversion Rates

People who have already purchased from you are more likely to buy again. Remarketing allows you to target these high-value customers with relevant offers, increasing your conversion rates.

Better ROI

Since remarketing targets individuals who are already interested in your products, it often delivers a better return on investment (ROI) compared to cold outreach or traditional advertising.

Combining Retargeting and Remarketing for Maximum Impact

When used together, retargeting and remarketing can create a powerful one-two punch that maximizes your chances of converting visitors into customers.

Sequential Targeting

One effective strategy is to use sequential targeting, where you first retarget visitors with ads and then follow up with remarketing emails.

For example, if someone visits your site but doesn’t make a purchase, you can show them a retargeting ad.

If they still don’t convert, follow up with a remarketing email offering a discount or special offer.

Consistent Messaging

Ensure that your messaging is consistent across both retargeting ads and remarketing emails. This helps reinforce your brand and makes it more likely that the recipient will take action.

Cross-Channel Integration

Integrate your retargeting and remarketing efforts across multiple channels. For example, you could use retargeting ads on social media and follow up with remarketing emails.

This multi-channel approach increases your chances of reaching your audience and driving conversions.

Tools and Platforms for Retargeting and Remarketing

There are many tools and platforms available to help you implement retargeting and remarketing in your affiliate marketing strategy.

Google Ads

Google Ads is one of the most popular platforms for retargeting. With Google Ads, you can set up pixel-based retargeting campaigns that show your ads across the Google Display Network.

Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads offers robust retargeting options that allow you to reach your audience on both Facebook and Instagram.

You can create custom audiences based on website visitors and show them targeted ads as they scroll through their social media feeds.

Email Marketing Platforms

For remarketing, email marketing platforms like Mailchimp, ConvertKit, or ActiveCampaign are essential.

These platforms allow you to segment your email list, create automated email sequences, and track the performance of your campaigns.

Understanding Your Audience for Better Retargeting and Remarketing

To make your retargeting and remarketing efforts truly effective, you need to understand your audience and their behavior.

Analyzing Customer Data

Use tools like Google Analytics to gain insights into your audience’s behavior on your website.

Look at metrics like bounce rate, time on site, and pages visited to identify which segments of your audience are most likely to convert.

Creating Buyer Personas

Develop buyer personas based on your customer data. These personas represent your ideal customers and can help you tailor your retargeting and remarketing efforts to better meet their needs.

Monitoring and Adjusting Your Campaigns

Regularly monitor the performance of your retargeting and remarketing campaigns. Use the data you collect to make adjustments and improve your results over time.


Retargeting and remarketing are powerful strategies that can elevate your affiliate marketing game.

By understanding the differences between these two techniques and learning how to implement them effectively, you can significantly boost your conversions and grow your

Thanks for reading,


Q&A: Common Questions About Retargeting and Remarketing

What is the main difference between retargeting and remarketing?

The main difference lies in the method and purpose. Retargeting typically involves showing ads to people who have visited your site but didn't convert, while remarketing usually refers to sending follow-up emails to those who have already engaged with your brand.

How can retargeting improve my affiliate marketing efforts?

Retargeting can improve your affiliate marketing efforts by bringing back potential customers who have already shown interest in your offerings. It increases brand recall and encourages visitors to return and complete their purchase.

Is it necessary to use both retargeting and remarketing?

While it’s not mandatory, using both retargeting and remarketing together can significantly increase your chances of converting visitors into customers by addressing different stages of the customer journey.

How often should I update my retargeting ads?

It's a good idea to refresh your retargeting ads every few months to prevent ad fatigue. Regular updates keep your ads relevant and engaging for your audience.

Can I retarget users across multiple devices?

Yes, many retargeting platforms allow for cross-device targeting, ensuring that your ads reach users regardless of the device they’re using.

What are the best platforms for retargeting in affiliate marketing?

Google Ads and Facebook Ads are among the best platforms for retargeting. They offer extensive reach and robust targeting options to help you effectively engage your audience.


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Meet Laurence

Hi, I’m Laurence Zimmermann, a digital entrepreneur and founder of FractalMax. I'm passionate about affiliate marketing and helping people to start and grow their online businesses. Transparency is a core value in everything I do, including my content. While I use AI tools to assist with content creation, every piece is ethically crafted, thoroughly edited, and reviewed by me. My aim is to provide you with the best value, ensuring that the information is accurate, clear, and easy to understand. Thanks for being here, and I hope my content helps you on your journey to success!

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